Pleroma-Night (Gothic Rock-Slovenia)

Pleroma-Night (Gothic Rock-Slovenia)

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Pleroma were a Slovenian gothic rock band active in the late 80’s. They were formed in the town of Ptuj and released only one album. The title of the album was “Inside” and it was released in 1989 on vinyl. The cover of the vinyl is completely black with only small title of the record. Members of the band were Irena Selinšek, Wilijem Muzek, Zlatko Kuret, Milan Murko and Marjan Bone. This album was proclaimed for the best “Dark” record of the year in the former Jugoslavia. After the quit of the band Preloma, the guitarist Zlatko Kuret and the drummer Milan Murko invited the bass guitarist Zoran Oresic and the vocalist Ales Njegovan to join the band, so they slowly became the band Sleazy Snails. In the year 1996 they’ve recorded their first CD. The band performed the concerts in the whole territory of Slovenija and in Austria as well. The harvest was a very good critics for their work. In the year 1996 the band changed the vocalist and invited a new vocalist Marwan Al-ayoub and a year later fulfilled the membership with the female vocalist Karmen Zinrajh. With two vocals the band rounded off the specific of his musical expression. In the year 1998 the band recorded a new material for the CD labeled Mirovanje. The material was recorded in the studio MEGAMIX-Maribor. The latest news from the date 01.01.2004 announced that they have changed the singer.There are no more Maruan and a nice little girl but a punk with frequently changing shape of unusually cutting hair: Aljosha Loncarich by his name. At the moment they prepare and record a new album on CD or DVD..

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