Human Drama “Fascination and Fear” Music Video

Human Drama “Fascination and Fear” Music Video

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Human Drama was an LA band. A video had already been shot for this song. The band/label did not like it, Triple XXX Records, as I recall. Most everyone turned it down and a contact I had at Propaganda Films asked me if I wanted to do it.
I was given all of $750 to make this video, and I was accountable for doing something better. The song was cool and my meeting with Johnny Indovina went very well, so I was into shooting a video for him. I had no idea what I was going to shoot, but I was very much up to the challenge to make something cool for no $ just to show that you didn’t need a big budget to create interesting content. And so was Johnny and my 4 man crew. We even rigged a sunlamp on a piece of found metal to give light to the actors face on the overpass.
I figure this would have really cost $75k plus. It was shot from the hip, cinema verite, over 2 nights in Hollywood. As we began to edit, the concept took shape. It became a narrative of guy arriving in town bewildered by the surroundings, and thinking he needs a “test” of some nature. The kicker to this shoot is I actually had some $ leftover after we got off the bus to pay for a cab to take us back to our cars and have Fatburger!

FYI: The actor in the video is Nathan Hamilton. Nathan now has his own Austin based roots rock band, No Deal. They are KILLER!

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